
Week 6 Post 3 04/06/18    Today In class we reviewed over how to to do  the CCR. This lesson was really helpful because of the lack of information I had regarding the CCR. I didn’t even know what it was before the video we saw in class today. Homero didn’t come to class today so it was just Alejandro, Tristan, and I discussing. The original plan was to finish filming tomorrow morning so we could enjoy the rest of the weekend but Tristan has plans in the morning so we’re probably going to finish filming next Wednesday because that’s Tristans only day off from work. We don’t have much to film we’re basically done and we’ve already edited most of the project. Everything’s looking good and I’ll be sure to keep you guys updated.
Week 6 Post 2 04/05/18  Yesterday in class we had another feedback session among other groups. Unlike last time this time I was in a group filled with other students doing film openings. This was a great help because I got to hear a lot of different opinion on our film and I got to hear other projects as well. I was talking to Diego about how I believe obtaining lights to bright the stage will be a bit complicated and he mentioned that since Homero is in CBTV he has access to rent out equipment including lights. Homero over heard this conversation and agreed to what he was saying but also added that the stage in the auditorium already has lights installed. That cleared up that problem. Besides that I didn't have too many concerns. Jamie and Diego both stated that the transition between scenes is neat and think it will turn out well.
Week 6 Post 1 04/04/18      The group members and I began discussing how and when we were going to start filming the auditorium scene. Homero previously stated that he could probably get us access to be able to film there without a problem. We brought it up again and he said he's going to talk with some people and get back to us as soon as possible. Another question that came up was whether or not we would use instruments straight from the band room or bring our own back from the house. If we were to borrow instruments from the band room we would have to talk to someone in charge of the room to receive access. Due to continuity I was thinking I should just bring my own guitar since I should be playing the same guitar from the garage scene. We covered some other minor issues and got excited to start filming.
Week 5 Post 3 04/01/18    As we continued filming our morals began to boost and we started getting excited on what the end result will look like. Shooting this film wasn't just important to me because I needed it for a grade but it impacted me in a different way as well. Being a musician and being able to tour across the world playing music is my dream. I've wanted to be a musician for the longest time. While filming this scene it felt like I was actually living part of that dream. My motivation to work on my music and become greater boosted like crazy. Not only that it also motivated me to continue working on the film. I'm excited to shoot the auditorium scene because I feel like that will even feel more surreal than the garage scene. After we finished the scene we head over to Subway and dined like kings. At Subway we had a funny idea where if we were actually to shoot the whole movie, us eating at Subway would've been a funny and entertaining scene to conclude the ...
Week 5 Post 2 04/01/18   Something I learned while doing a bit of research was that many film makers chose to shoot scenes out of order in order to make it most comfortable and having the least amount of continuity errors. That being said the way our film starts is a group of late teens backstage right before performing a large show in a stadium. The shot then cuts to a garage opening to present the same teens looking younger and more frustrated while practicing together. Homero is the best cameraman of the group so he shot almost every scene. He used a tripod to get a centered shot of the garage opening and then in editing we plan on cutting straight to conversation between the band members.
Week 5 Post 1 04/01/18    After procrastinating for a bit we finally set a date and got together as a group to start filming. Our morals were low since we wanted to enjoy our spring break rather than be working on the film but we told ourselves that we would treat ourselves to Subway after completing the day of filming. We all met up at Tristan's house around 10 am. We began cleaning out his garage to clear some space and move the car that was in the garage. The set started to look good as we moved stuff around. I initially invited one of my friends to play one of the roles of the band members but they cancelled on me last second so we decided to play the actors in the film. We all changed into our clothes and were ready to begin filming!