Week 1 Post 1 03/01/18

      Minutes into our first team meeting arguments begin to surface. There’s some tension between two members of the group but hopefully with the time this tension will be resolved. We get together as a group to go over our plot of our film and how we’re going to approach creating it. We all but one agree that making a storyboard for the film would be the best start. Homero disagrees and says he doesn’t like making story boards because it “restricts his creative process” and how he rather just film straight on set. While I begin working on the story board my team member Homero begins working on the script.
      We discuss about how our original idea for the film was a plot about a group of young teens who rise up in their musical career and become successful. Homero presents a different idea. His idea was to change routes in the plot and create a thriller type film based on the concept of sleep paralysis. We decide to stick to the original idea and begin brainstorming.
